
At teach-in finale, Pritchett and deans discuss access to education and engaging community

Deena Elul 

Daily Pennsylvanian

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Roughly 70 people crowded into the Hall of Flags in Houston Hall to attend the finale of Penn's Teach-In, the first event of its kind since 1969. 

Faculty Senate Chair-Elect Jennifer Pinto-Martin moderated a panel entitled "The University and the Community" which included Provost Wendell Pritchett, Nursing Dean Antonia Villarruel, Engineering Dean Vijay Kumar, and Director and Associate Vice President of the Netter Center Ira Harkavy. 

The panelists discussed how Penn could more effectively interact with the broader public, touching on issues such as technology and learning, economic inequality, and engagement with West Philadelphia communities. 

Throughout the panel, they emphasized the responsibility of the University to benefit society as a whole. 

“Knowledge is for the continuous benefit of the human condition,” Harkavy said. “Today, unquestionably, the most important institution in the world for realizing a good society is higher education.”