
Balancing academic rights and responsibilities

Ira Harkavy

University World News

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

This commentary written by Ira Harkavy is an edited version of his keynote to the Council for Higher Education Accreditation International Quality Group Annual Meeting: A Global Quality Forum on 30 January 2020.

"In my judgment, there are two core purposes of higher education in the United States, and perhaps elsewhere. They are education for democratic citizenship and the creation of knowledge to advance the human condition, which significantly involves developing and maintaining a democratic society. These purposes can be powerfully achieved through university-community partnerships." ...

"Higher education should, indeed must, stand for core universal values, including tolerance, diversity and inclusivity, open inquiry, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Academic freedom and institutional autonomy as well as academic and institutional responsibility are necessary for universities to realise these values and to contribute to developing and sustaining fair, decent and just democratic societies for all."


Read the full commentary in University World News here.