The Fight for Diverse, Inclusive, Antiracist and Just Democracies
The Fight for Diverse, Inclusive, Antiracist and Just Democracies
KerryAnn O'Meara, Ahmed Bawa, Hugo Garcia, Ira Harkavy, Rita Hodges and Hilligje Van't Land
Inside Higher Ed
The ongoing racial injustice, pandemic and associated disruption of 2020 -- along with the attack by violent insurrectionists on the U.S. Capitol building -- have taught us many things about our societies, not only in the United States but also around the globe. Among those lessons is that higher education is deeply implicated in the impoverished and fragile state of democracies. Some academic and student leaders are calling for postsecondary institutions to make the creation of antiracist, inclusive, socially just democracies throughout the world priority No. 1. Such an undertaking requires disruptive change in higher education values, use of resources and its privileged place in many of our societies. Is higher education ready for such change?...
This article was put together following a virtual session in November that was part of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)'s annual conference and co-hosted by the International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility, and Democracy chaired by Ira Harkavy.
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