Penn Alumni

Join fellow alumni, faculty, staff, and students in the Netter Center's Alumni Network to stay up-to-date on the Netter Center’s work, find out about our events and conferences, and to network with alumni of all ages. To receive communication about these opportunities, subscribe to the Netter Center Alumni and Friends Newsletter. For further information, contact Rita Hodges (C05 GRD24) at or 215-898-4097.

Volunteer as part of Penn Volunteers in Public Services (Penn VIPS)

Read profiles of some of our outstanding alumni. 

Explore other volunteer opportunities established by Penn alumni, such as pro bono consulting for nonprofit organizations through PennPAC

If you wish to contribute financially to the Netter Center please visit our giving page.

Class of 1980 alum working with Sayre High School students during the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service