Science and service
Science and service
Kristina García and Nathi Magubane
Penn Today
Students from Paul Robeson High School in West Philadelphia are the 11th cohort to participate in Everyday Neuroscience, an Academically Based Community Service (ABCS) course run through Penn’s Neuroscience Department in collaboration with the Netter Center for Community Partnerships. The course is designed to complement what the Robeson students are learning in their regular coursework, while promoting a lifelong interest in science and boosting their test scores on the state exams.
“Robeson University-Assisted Community School programming, including ABCS courses, are rooted in respectful, mutually beneficial partnerships,” says Cory Bowman, associate director of the Netter Center. “Penn faculty and Robeson teachers work together to develop innovative and effective ways to improve teaching and learning. The students enjoy learning together in inclusive classrooms that incorporate hands-on and inquiry-based approaches.”
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