
Universities after Neoliberalism: How to Build a Democratic Civic University

Ira Harkavy and Rita A. Hodges

Nonprofit Quarterly

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

In this article, Netter Center founding director Ira Harkavy and associate director Rita A. Hodges argue that many if not most universities have lost their way, embracing private gain and economic advancement over what are supposed to be their core purposes of educating ethical democratic citizens and advancing knowledge for the public good.

They call for critical examination and fundamental change of existing practices that perpetuate inequities and developing democratic civic universities that involve significant and ongoing engagement of an institution’s comprehensive resources (academic, human, cultural, and economic) in partnership with community members to produce knowledge and educate ethical students with the ability to help create and maintain just, antiracist, democratic societies. 

Read the full article, which was the lead story in Nonprofit Quarterly's Economic Democracy Weekly, here.