Provost’s Faculty Fellows at the Netter Center
The Provost’s Faculty Fellows work to develop and disseminate their own ABCS teaching and research, as well as to increase Penn faculty involvement in ABCS.
Provost’s Senior Faculty Fellow at the Netter Center
Dennis DeTurck
Robert A. Fox Leadership Professor, Professor of Mathematics, School of Arts & Sciences
Provost’s Faculty Fellows at the Netter Center
Lisa Servon
Kevin and Erica Penn Presidential Professor, Department Chair of City & Regional Planning, Weitzman School of Design
Andy Tan
Associate Professor of Communication, Director of Health Communication & Equity Lab, Annenberg School for Communication
Past Provost's Faculty Fellows at the Netter Center
Emily Falk
Professor of Communication, Psychology, and Marketing, Annenberg School of Communication
Loretta Flanagan-Cato
Associate Professor of Psychology and Co-director of the Biological Basis of Behavior Program, School of Arts & Sciences