An ‘energetic’ Election Day at Penn
An ‘energetic’ Election Day at Penn
Lauren Hertzler
Penn Today
Spirits were high Tuesday morning as Penn President Liz Magill stopped by her new polling place at Houston Hall to cast her first General Election vote in Pennsylvania. A team of students from Penn Leads the Vote (PLTV) greeted Magill and others at Penn Commons, helping voters determine their registration status while handing out La Colombe draft lattes, Lil Pop Shop goodies, and customizable “I voted” buttons.
“It’s been really energetic,” said Wharton senior Tvisha Malik, tabling coordinator for PLTV, a student-run, nonpartisan program housed within the Netter Center for Community Partnerships and supported by Penn’s Office of Government and Community Affairs (OGCA) and Fox Leadership. “I’ve already seen way more people than I’ve expected, and everyone is excited to be here and to exercise their right to vote.”
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