
Penn Leads the Vote’s Democratic Engagement Action Plan Earns Highest Rating

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Philadelphia, PA — On August 10, Penn Leads the Vote was given the rating of “established” for its action plan by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge and the Voter Friendly Campus Program. The rating is the highest of four categories, indicating that Penn Leads the Vote has substantial short-term and long-term plans to increase voter turnout among students at the University of Pennsylvania. The action plan received a “4,” the highest possible score, in all nine metrics that the two programs reviewed: executive summary, leadership, commitment, landscape, goals, use of National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) data, strategy, reporting, and evaluation. The plan received a final score of 33/36.

The University of Pennsylvania is one of 123 colleges in the United States, one in 10 colleges in Pennsylvania, and theonly Ivy League university to be named a “Voter Friendly Campus” in 2019 by NAPSA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and Fair Election Center’s Campus Vote Project (CVP).

Read the full press release from PLTV here.