
Honoring women of color

Kristina García

Penn Today

Monday, March 20, 2023

For the first time in three years, the Women of Color at Penn (WOCAP) hosted its annual award ceremony in person. WOCAP, which is housed in the African-American Resource Center (AARC), used the March 17 event to celebrate the achievements of women of color at Penn and in the broader community, highlighting this year’s theme of self-care and healing.

To read the full article, click here.


Congratulations to Netter nominees Mya Gordon, Netter student leader, who received the Undergraduate Student Award and Shelah Harper, Netter community partner, who received the Community Award!!

A huge shoutout and thank you to Isabel, Bianca, and Regina and all other members of the WOCAP planning committee for helping to organize a lovely celebration!